
Archive for January 13th, 2008

Scottish Food

Interesting that the SNP are looking at a policy which will promote Scottish food.    Scottish Food means less food miles of course, and will help our own farming industry.

But there will always be issues of seasonality, quality and price to get around.   Sometimes Scottish food can actually be more expensive than food which has travelled miles to get here.    

The policy in our house is to buy Scottish if possible, then British if possible, and only then, imported.    But this decision is quality driven too.

Food is actually too cheap:   the retail price index has risen 22% in the last 10 years, but the price of food has only risen 8.5% in that time.  

But food ethics are complicated:   if we buy more Scottish food, where does that leave our overseas suppliers, some of which may be poor countries who frankly need the cash.     

The solution to the food debates is really in the hands of people buying food on a week in, week out basis:   if Scottish stuff is snapped up, creating demand, then the industry will eventually adapt to fill that demand.    Similarly, if we all bought more free range chicken and eggs, then supply and demand would be addressed by the industry.   Consumers really are king.

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